terça-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2010

WBCOOP (World Blogger Championship Online Poker)

Yesterday just started the WBCOOP!

I was 1184th in 1740 players...

Not good... I know!

What's really important is that I-m back to the game!!!

What I've been doing this last 3 or 4 months?

Mostly work! I love my job!


This month I started several on important steps to get back to the game:

  • I'm teaching some friends in work to play poker! At lunch time and sometimes after 5pm we sit and play and analyse hands.
  • I'm trying to play all the futpokers tournaments and also de Donkr/Futpoker winter edition

The Results are not great, not even good but I'm playing more and the result will appear soon (I hope)

I wish to thank all my futpoker friends, that even though I've been out for long, they keep supporting and beliving in me!

I wish to thank all my army friends that started to share this passion and helped me to come back to the game, and I want to say to them that they can be good players (If they read my books and play more)

4 comentários:

  1. Força Pedro, fazes falta nas mesas !! um militar a jogar já é perigoso, imagina um batalhao, ehehe....eles serao bem vindos nos nossos circus.
    Grande Abraço

  2. Obrigado Nelson!
    Estou a pensar em organisar aqui uma noitada de poker! O pessoal do futpoker será muito bem vindo!
    Grande Abraço!

  3. boas
    ja tava na hora nao??seja bem vido de volta!!
    reforco mais importante do plantel futpoker!!

  4. Obrigado Nezzi!

    Espero em breve ver te ganhar mais uma festa do poker ai em vilamoura!!!
